Topically Penetrating
Shelf-stable Freeze Dried
9 Bio-identical Umbilical Cord Growth Factors
Laser, Microneedling and Hydrafacial Amplifier
Epiline is the first and only full-spectrum, recombinant umbilical cord stem cell growth factor, topically penetrating, anti-aging product on the market—an amplifier for laser and microneedling treatments or use stand-alone.

Epiline has also been bioengineered to “glow”/fluoresce under black light. This fresh test indicates proper preservation, shipping and storage of the delicate LAB-REPLICATED umbilical cord growth factors.

And lastly, Epiline has a patented instant gelling mechanism that assists topical application
EPILINE® is easy to use
EPILINE® is easy to use

Geneworks Method & Process
Science that Solves Common Barriers in Skincare
Epiline solves the barrier problem by attaching bioactive umbilical cord growth factor proteins to cell-penetrating peptides that assist transport through your unbroken skin layers. Here’s our process to ensure your skin receives and fully absorbs bioactive proteins in each treatment.
Proteins Can’t Take the Heat
Epiline delivers individually freeze-dried vials for each treatment that can be stored and reconstituted to make bioactive prior to use.
Protein Pulsecheck — Epiline Fresh Test
Every Epiline dose will glow blue under a UV black light (provided) as proof that our proteins survived and are now bioactive and ready for use.
Proteins Need Peptide Transport
Our skin is designed to keep stuff out — and that includes proteins. To solve that, Epiline proteins are attached to cell-penetrating peptides that assist transport through the stratum corneum.
Mission Accomplished!
Epiline is the first and only consumer product to deliver bioactive proteins in the shape, size, state, and place they need to be to deliver their powerful instructions for a more youthful, glowing complexion!

Umbilical Cord Growth Factors
Umbilical Cord Growth Factors
Geneworks Science “Fixes” Aging Skin Problem
Geneworks is a groundbreaking biotech company leveraging cutting-edge scientific advancement to reverse aging and revolutionize skincare. Our science is complex, but our mission is simple: We harness the power of biotechnology to create effective skincare products that do what they say they do.
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Keep in touch with early access to Epiline and other Geneworks products by following us on our social channels.